European Business Awards 2016/17 National Public Champion Voting
Tuesday, 17-January-17





In September 2016, Simplex has been named a National Champion for Cyprus at the European Business Awards 2016-17 in the category Customer Focus.  It now competes to become Cyprus’ Public Champion among all categories and subsequently Europe’s Public Champion while it is also a candidate to receive one of the prestigious Ruban D’ Honneur awards.  In order to achieve these, we need your vote!

The voting process for Cyprus’ Public Champion is now open till 1 March 2017 and your vote would be an honour for us.  The voting process is as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Under the video, there’s a VOTE FOR THIS ENTRY box where you need to complete your email address and click the button  to vote.
  3. Check your mailbox for an email from ‘The European Business Awards’ ( with subject ‘EBA Vote – Please confirm your vote’.  

    This email contains a link to confirm your vote and also, a password.  The password will only be needed if completing/confirming your vote on a different computer/device and/or different browser.

    Click the link to confirm your vote and enter the password from the email if asked to.
  4. Help us collect more votes: share your vote on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and ask your friends and connections to vote for us.

The voting process for Europe’s Public Champion will take place between 6 March 2017 and 27 April 2017.

Thank you in advance to each and everyone of you for your support!